it’s all about connection.
There comes a time in your journey where you crave more connection and a unique communal experience. With group mentoring, you’ll explore and grow alongside a small group of like-minded women on a path full of diverse perspectives, shared experiences, and deeper collective insights.

group mentoring

is group mentoring right for you?

you crave a communal learning experience

With private mentoring, your curriculum is custom-tailored to your unique circumstances and goals, providing a truly individualized learning experience.

You desire diverse perspectives

With a one-on-one learning environment, you get the focused, undivided attention, and support from your mentor while you tackle the spiritual high-dive as a team.

you long to bring more connection into your life

Private mentoring is perfect for you if you’re ready to make the investment- financially, mentally, and emotionally- into a more intensive, focused learning environment.

So, what is group mentoring?

Imagine having a constant companion on this rollercoaster ride that is the Spiritual life, one who can guide you through the maze of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. That’s what private mentoring is all about. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill mentorship. It’s a soulful journey, tailored just for you, to help you tap into your inner life and powerfu gifts that are simmering just beneath the surface.

We all have moments where we feel more lost than ever. But with private mentoring, you have the support of someone in your corner who not only gets you but can also help shine a light on the path back to your truest self.

Private mentoring is about connecting the dots that you didn’t even know existed, from untangling the knots of your past to sparking that inner joy and purpose that’s been waiting to dance in the spotlight. It’s not just about finding yourself; it’s about creating yourself, with a mentor who’s equal parts cheerleader, sage, and the friend who’s not afraid to tell you like it is.

With private mentoring, the focus is on YOU, diving deep, having fun, and emerging as the most powerful, empowered version of you.

What do you get with group mentoring?

With group mentoring, you can expect a transformative experience that is built all around the energy of the group and the collective learning experience.  This dynamic environment opens up doors for all kinds of magic, including…

community support

Joining a group mentoring program immerses you in a supportive community of like-minded people. This sense of belonging can provide emotional support and enouragement as you navigate your spiritual journey.

diverse perspectives

A group mentoring setting offers the unique advantage of exposing you to a wide range of viewpoints and experiences. This diversity enriches your understanding and appreciation of spiritual practices and concepts.

a dynamic learning environment

The energy of the group creates a dynamic and interactive learning environment. The open exchange of ideas, questions, and insights among group members stimulates deeper exploration.

Shared Experiences

Sharing your spiritual journey with others in a group setting fosters a deep sense of connection and friendship. These shared experiences can become a powerful catalyst for transformation and growth.


Being a part of a group provides a level of accountability that can motivate you to stay committed to your spiritual practices. Knowing that others are expecting your participation and progress can encourage consistency and dedication.

group energy

Participating in spiritual practices as part of a group can amplify the energy and the intensity of the experience. This collective energy can enhance meditation, prayer, and other spiritual activities.

how can group mentoring change your life?

Group mentoring has the power to change your life from the inside out. When you continue to show up for yourself, hold yourself accountable, and follow through on your committments on this journey, you’ll see your life transform in the most beautiful ways, including…

enhanced self-awareness

Private spiritual mentoring encourages deep introspection, helping you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This heightened self-awareness can lead to better decision-making and a more authentic life alignment with your true self.

improved relationships

By fostering greater empathy, compassion, and understanding, spiritual mentoring can profoundly improve your relationships with others. It teaches you to see beyond your ego and connect with people on a deeper level, promoting harmony and stronger bonds.

reduced stressed

Engaging in spiritual practices under the guidance of a mentor can significantly reduce stress. Techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, and prayer can help calm your mind, bringing a sense of peace and well-being that permeates all areas of your life.

greater sense of purpose

A private spiritual mentor can guide you in exploring and discovering your life’s purpose. This journey often leads to a greater sense of direction and fulfillment, as you align your actions with your deepest values and aspirations.

emotional healing

Spiritual mentoring provides a safe space to address and heal from past traumas and emotional wounds. Through guided spiritual practices and the supportive presence of a mentor, you can embark on a healing journey that fosters resilience and emotional freedom.

spiritual growth

The ultimate aim of private spiritual mentoring is to facilitate your spiritual growth. This journey can lead to profound changes in how you perceive yourself, others, and the world, often resulting in a deeper sense of connectedness, peace, and joy.

Frequently asked questions

Looking to learn more about energy clearing and how it can benefit your sacred space? We’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you better understand this powerful practice. 

my question isn't listed!

If you have a question that isn’t listed or need help choosing the right service for you, click the button below to contact Jodie + team and we’ll be happy to help you.  Let’s go make some magic!

do we need to meet in person?

No! My home and space energy clearing sessions are all done remotely, meaning no need to straighten up your house for Spirit or put on makeup if you don’t want to 😛

How does the clearing process work?

During the purchasing process, you will be given a form to fill out asking for all the relevent information I need to clear your space.  Once I receive your information, I will take care of your energy clearing behind the scenes.  While I do have some recommended things for people to do to help make their clearing as effective as possible, it is certainly not necessary or required for the clearing.

Can remote energy clearings be effective for any space?

Yes! Space clearings can be effective for any space, regardless of its size or what its used for. This includes homes, offices, land, and even objects.


How often should remote energy clearings be done?

The frequency will vary depending on your individual needs, the things going on in your life, the people who are surrounding you, and the presence of any stressful or negative events. If you’re looking to get on a custom clearing schedule for your home, Jodie will happily recommend a schedule tailored to your unique needs.

What can I expect during and after a remote energy clearing session?

You may start noticing changes in the energy around your home almost immediately after booking your space clearing. It might sound crazy but the Universe loves action! Some clients have reported feeling things such as a feeling of lightness, warmth, or a shift in the atmosphere. Many others don’t feel much at all. All of this is completely normal! Every person is different and every clearing session is different, so your experiences can always vary.

Remember, if you ever feel like you’re experiencing something out of the ordinary, you can always reach out to Jodie + team with your questions.

Do I need to do anything to prepare my space or myself for a remote clearing?

You are not required to do anything for your clearing, however I do have some quick and easy recommendations that will help you get in the right mindset for your clearing. These tips are available to download upon purchase of your clearing.

Book your personal energy clearing now for just $125

Bust through your energy blocks and get flowing again with my personal energy clearing sessions. Here’s what you get:

  • One Personal Energy Clearing for you (or a loved one!)
  • A follow-up call with Jodie within 2 weeks of your clearing to discuss the findings of your clearing
  • Bonus downloadable guide of tips to maximize the results of your clearing

Book your home & space clearing now for just $125.

Book now - $125

Book now to get started on transforming your energy.


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